TCF Exams

We offer all the TCF Québec and TCF Canada tests, which can be adapted to your needs.

TCF Québec

The TCF Québec is open to people of all nationalities wishing to file their immigration file with the MIFI (Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration).

Individuals who complete procedures to obtain their CSQ (Certificat de sélection du Québec) must take a standardized French exam to adhere to the requirements, regardless of their mother tongue. Thus, French and French speakers are subject to the same requirements.

The TCF Any public is also recognized by Québec authorities as valid in this process.


Pour s’inscrire au TCF Québec, il faut être âgé de 16 ans et plus au moment de l’inscription.

Chez Complexe X, nous offrons l’ensemble des épreuves du TCF Québec, qui peuvent se moduler à la convenance du candidat.

  • Épreuve d’Expression orale du TCF Québec : 3 tâches à réaliser avec l’examinateur. 12 minutes.
  • Épreuve de Compréhension orale du TCF Québec : 39 questions à choix multiples (une seule réponse possible). 35 minutes.
  • Épreuve de Compréhension écrite du TCF Québec : 39 questions à choix multiples (une seule réponse possible). 60 minutes.
  • Épreuve d’Expression écrite du TCF Québec : 3 exercices écrits. 60 minutes

TCF Canada

The TCF Canada is intended for applicants who are undertaking economic immigration to Canada or who are beginning a process to obtain their Canadian citizenship and who must file a file with IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada).

The TCF Canada can also be used since January 2022 to apply for immigration in the province of Quebec. There is no case of exemption for TCF Canada.

Les épreuves du TCF Canada sont toutes obligatoires et la durée totale de l’examen est de 2 heures 47 minutes.

  • Épreuve d’Expression orale du TCF Canada : 3 tâches à réaliser avec l’examinateur. 12 minutes.
  • Épreuve de Compréhension orale du TCF Canada : 39 questions à choix multiples (une seule réponse possible). 35 minutes.
  • Épreuve de Compréhension écrite du TCF Canada: 39 questions à choix multiples (une seule réponse possible). 60 minutes.
  • Épreuve d’Expression écrite du TCF Canada : 3 exercices écrits. 60 minutes.

TCF Any Public

The TCF Any Public is intended for individuals, students, future students, interns, as well as employees or future employees who, for personal, academic or professional reasons, must have their level of French assessed. The minimum age to register for the TCF Tout Public is 16.

Our team offers weekly time slots for the TCF Quebec exam, TCF Canada, as well as on-demand time slots for the All Public exam. We ensure that candidates are registered as soon as possible.

To register for the TCF Québec, you must be 16 years of age or older at the time of registration.

At Complexe X, we offer all the TCF Québec events, which can be adapted to suit the candidate.

  • TCF Quebec Oral Expression Test: 3 tasks to complete with the examiner. 12 minutes.
  • TCF Quebec Oral Comprehension Test: 39 multiple choice questions (only one possible answer). 35 minutes.
  • TCF Quebec Written Comprehension Test: 39 multiple choice questions (one possible answer). 60 minutes.
  • TCF Quebec Written Expression Test: 3 written exercises. 60 minutes.

TCF Canada tests are all mandatory and the total exam time is 2 hours 47 minutes.

  • TCF Canada Oral Expression Test: 3 tasks to complete with the examiner. 12 minutes.
  • TCF Canada Oral Comprehension Test: 39 multiple-choice questions (one possible answer). 35 minutes.
  • TCF Canada Written Comprehension Test: 39 multiple choice questions (one possible answer). 60 minutes.
  • TCF Canada Written Expression Test: 3 written exercises. 60 minutes.

Useful informations

Vidéo informative

Preparation for the exam

We strongly suggest that candidates prepare before taking a TCF exam. Ideally, a good preparation should start several weeks before the exam.

If you need help to support this preparation, Complexe X offers private courses with our accredited evaluators, in order to prepare you well for the various tests. These courses take place via the TEAMS application. It is important to have a high-speed Internet connection and access to a computer, tablet or smartphone in order to join the meeting by videoconference.

Our team is committed to supporting individuals who have to go through this evaluation process, often a source of stress for many. We offer personalized service and a warm welcome and we make sure to support the candidates throughout the process, through our expertise and benevolence.

After the exam

Following the examination, you should allow aaround 15 days for the correction of the papers. So be sure to plan your appointment with this in mind, and make sure you book well in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.

In cases where a retest is necessary, 30 days are required to re-register.

Please also note that these tests are valid for two years from the date on which the results are validated.

Practice oral comprehension

Pratique #1

1- C

2- A

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Pratique #2

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